Spotlight on Sonya' Finney

Spotlight on Sonya' Finney
Upper School Community

The Finney family joined Pine Crest almost four years ago.

“Both of my children have always had a thirst for learning,” said Mrs. Finney. “We relocated to South Florida four years ago and started looking at local schools. After Chase and Clayton visited Pine Crest, they both agreed that Pine Crest was the place to be. The curriculum was challenging, and they saw kids like themselves. To them, Pine Crest students were serious about academics, and most importantly, they felt like it was a place where it would be cool to be smart!”    

Getting involved as a new parent “was a great way to meet other parents and connect with the school community,” said Mrs. Finney. “Working with the MUSPA is something I enjoy because I know the parents’ association contributes a lot to the School; but I am passionate about the Founder’s Council. I love seeing the students perform!”

Volunteering in different areas of the School has allowed Mrs. Finney to gain many different perspectives.

“I like getting involved because it helps me stay in touch with everything going on, and I can choose how I can contribute the most to the School,” she said. “It is a way for me to give back and show my appreciation for all of the benefits that my children get from attending Pine Crest. I also volunteer and help out to show my support for what I believe is one of the most dedicated faculty and staff. 

Speaking about Pine Crest, Mrs. Finney said “I enjoy dropping my children off at School in the morning and look forward to hearing about their day in the afternoon. In addition to the classwork, there are so many extracurricular activities to take advantage of from the arts to sports to numerous clubs.  My only regret is that there just isn’t enough time to take advantage of them all! Each year that we are here, it gets better and better.”

“The opportunities that students are presented with at Pine Crest are unbelievable,” said Mrs. Finney. “I love watching the Lower School students and the amazing things that they’re doing. I cannot wait to see how they take advantage of technology resources like the iLabs, and see where they end up beyond Upper School. I know they will be successful contributors to society, because Pine Crest has prepared my children to be successful.”

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Spotlight on Sonya' Finney